Welcome to the personal webpage of Jeroen Granzier!

My work involves color perception in the widest sense. We are surrounded by color and color gives life....color!

Although color is such an integral part of our life, there are so many things we still need to learn about how we perceive color. My research is about trying to close the gab between the physical word around us and how our brain forms a conscious percept of this. I am particularly interested in how humans perceive colors and which factors influence how colors are perceived. For this purpose I use psychophysics.

I am interested in differences in color perception between individuals and how color perception changes or remains the same under changes in illumination and backgrounds. My interest lie both in low-level features (i.e. eye movements; Does where a person has moved his/her eyes influence how a color is perceived?) and high-level factors (are we ‘better’ able to perceive the colors of familiar objects compared to the colors of objects we do not know?). 

My current work investigates how well we can perceive both natural illumination (daylight) and artificial illumination (i.e. tungsten).

Below you can find a general overview of the articles on color perception that I published.

Feel free to sent me any comments/questions!

Best wishes,   

Jeroen Granzier 


Effect of surface gloss & Roughness on constancy for real objects.pdf
PDF – 1,1 MB 521 downloads
Variation in daylight as contextual season, time of day and weather.pdf
PDF – 1,5 MB 591 downloads
Suggesting that the illumination differsColorConstancy.pdf
PDF – 726,9 KB 457 downloads
PDF – 753,7 KB 521 downloads
Counterphase modulation_JOSA_2014.pdf
PDF – 279,8 KB 436 downloads
Counterphase modulation_Figures.pdf
PDF – 135,3 KB 532 downloads
Luminance-color correlation_JOV_2005.pdf
PDF – 1,1 MB 520 downloads
Reliable identification by color.pdf
PDF – 423,4 KB 417 downloads
Can illumination estimates provide basis for color constancy.pdf
PDF – 1,6 MB 514 downloads
Color naming revelas ability_Vision Reserach_2011.pdf
PDF – 2,7 MB 518 downloads
Perceiving color at a glimpse_Vision Research _2007.pdf
PDF – 683,9 KB 461 downloads
Combining local and global contributions to color.pdf
PDF – 408,6 KB 434 downloads
do people match surface reflectance differently compared to emitted light.pdf
PDF – 294,3 KB 549 downloads
Role of eye movements in chromatic induction.pdf
PDF – 788,4 KB 455 downloads

This is the link to the article "Effects of memory colour on colour constancy for unknown coloured objects" :


This is the link to my PhD thesis "Colour Constancy explained":



gradient of illumination and chromatic induction .pdf
PDF – 941,5 KB 497 downloads
Poster_Difference between emitted and reflected light.pdf
PDF – 301,6 KB 447 downloads